
Before getting too deep into a proper introduction, I want to thank Recast Software for supporting me in keeping OSDeploy available to the Community

I started OSDeploy.com as a way for me to document several of the things that I do related to Customizing and Deploying Windows. This is my way to share and give back to the Community. I'm currently employed Full Time in the Oil Services industry, so keeping this updated is not my full time job. I add what I can, when I have the time, typically at night when my wife and boys are sleeping.

Most of what I share on here is PowerShell. I'm no expert, and I've got lots to learn, but I manage. If you are interested in contributing in script or ideas, I'm all ears.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions on Twitter, or come see me at an upcoming Speaking Event.

David Segura

Last updated